Music and Choir
Music is at the heart of our worship at St. Wulfran’s.
We have a wonderful tradition of music that encompasses:
- Sung Eucharist at 10am every Sunday, accompanied by the Church Choir and organ music.
- Choral Evensong (Book of Common Prayer) at 6pm on four Sundays a year.
- Special services at Christmas, Easter and other Festivals.
- Informal services – All Age Worship at 10am, normally on the first Sunday of the month and ‘Spirit ‘ services at 6.00 pm on some Sundays.
- Informal Songs of Praise at 3.00 pm every second Wednesday (in the village hall, followed by tea).
The informal services use other instruments such as piano, guitar, flute, and bongo drums and as the pictures show, these often accompany other events such as workshops for children in church. There are occasional jazz concerts, and we are developing a programme of classical and informal concerts throughout the year. The church has a a particularly good acoustic.
The Eucharist is our primary act of worship on Sundays and other Feast Days.
Choir practices are usually held at 7pm on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.
If you are interested in any aspect of our music, please contact the Director of Music, Dr Martin Knott on mhknott@btinternet.com or 01273-302561.